Thursday, September 1, 2011

Following through

Okey-dokey. So I'm probably not gonna post all the parts of the novel, but I'll leak some facts out now. It's going to be about a 14 year old, its going to be about me, and its going to be sci-fy and fantasy.

I'm finally going to go forth with my idea...

Alright, I've been rereading one of my favorite books, Pendragon. It's a series by D.J. MacHale, and if you haven't read it, I would definitely suggest it. It's ten books long, but it takes you on a WILD ride. Now, I am finally going to get started with this idea I had while reading it. To start my own book... here it goes. I will post a new half hour of work every day, with new adventures. I hope I will follow through with this and not stop like some of my other things... The first installment will be out tonight, or tomorrow. depends on the situation... Let's get started then.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I haven't been on the blogs in FOREVER! Sorry! I've been swamped with homework, videos (check 'em out), and sports. SORRY SORRY SORRY! I also got a Facebook. I will try to get on more, but my chances are decreasing! Sorry!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fun Thing of 9/29/10

In Alaska, they have an activity known as "Shark Tournaments". Similar to chicken fights, two shark battle in a closed arena as the try to eat each other. WHAT!?!?

So Much to Do, So Little Time

I have nothing else to say.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Fun Thing of 9/28/10

A hilarious picture. Of a cat. It's a great response for if somebody asks you to edit your paper.

By the way! Today is my mom's birthday! Please wish her a good one!


Today we had volleyball at Vistamar. It was pretty exciting. I made some nice plays during practice, and we played some "short-court" which is where you play where the out of bounds are the ten-foot line, and halfway between the sidelines. My team DOMINATED (sort of) and we won 14 to 21. But guess what I had when I arrived at home? A lovely little blister. It was annoying, and fat, and it hurt. My dad said to leave it, so I will. Hopefully it will get better by the next practice this Thursday.